DISQOVER Solution features collaborate with others


Collaborate with others

Work efficiently in a way that suits you. Save searches and templates for future use, rerun queries with different inputs, and download the results in standard open-file formats. Share your searches, reports, and dashboards with others to explore data and insights with peers.

Share your work

Collaborate with colleagues and benefit from each other’s work. Whether these are dashboard templates containing relevant charts, complete search and result lists, or a curated set of interesting findings, you can quickly and easily share your progress and findings.

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DISQOVER feature export results dasboards

Download the results

Store your findings or continue analyzing your data in a downstream application. You can save search results to your computer as a CSV or XLSX file, selectively picking elements of interest to include or batch-downloading all features present in DISQOVER. With a few mouse clicks, you can import a result set into Microsoft Excel at any time.

Build a fully customized user experience

As a data scientist, you can tune the DISQOVER user interface to reflect specific use cases, streamlining the user experience. You can declutter people’s workspaces by focusing only on the most relevant information and meaningful charts. Using multiple templates and preconfigured search journeys, you can differentiate between use cases and share the new customizations with all users or with a subset of users, ensuring the proper templates reach the right people.

Individual users can also customize dashboards to suit their roles and share these personalized dashboards with others.

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